Hi everyone,
Hope you're keeping well and enjoying the sun which finally came out today.
Wanted to blog today about something I saw on Facebook and have actually decided to do myself. I'm usually anti all these do this, like that, play this on FB because frankly they're all a load of crap. But I love a challenge and 100 happy days is a challenge to think of something every day (ideally with a photo) that makes you happy.
Corny you might say? But actually not only is it a bit of a challenge, but also, by thinking daily of something that's made you happy, you're thinking positive thoughts.
How to do it, if you think your life is a bit dull or crap...
Firstly, do you have kids? If so, and even if they are the most annoying, spoiled children in the world, I bet there are things they do that make you stop and smile at them. For example, listening to a child singing, or playing a game when they really don't think you're listening, or hearing that they did well at school, or watching them being nice to a pet or another animal.
Don't have kids? Be happy that you get to sleep all night, can go to the toilet on your own and can have a phone conversation without being interrupted continuously!
What about Nature? Its the littlest things that can be added to my 100 happy days. Sunshine for example is a great one. Did you notice how happy everyone seemed today because the sun came out? Or look at the butterflies and birds out doing their thing. If you stop for a minute just to watch the world passing by, I challenge you NOT to smile at it.
Eaten something nice? Food is always fun, and when you go out for lunch to get a regular sandwich and accidently end up with something that tastes sooooo good, you can't help but smile at your achievement. I remember doing this in a Shell Petrol Station once. Who'd expect thats where the best sandwiches in the world are made, and to make it better, and what made me smile even more, was that I emailed Shell to tell them I thought their Sandwiches were ace, and they sent me a £5 voucher to say thank you! I definitely smiled then.
Friends and acquantances. Sometimes we're too quick to criticise or find fault in the people we're around every day. Complacency leads to boredom and boredom leads to trouble making. Pretend that you're new in town and you're becoming acquainted with these people all over again, and remember why you chose them as friends, or why you laugh at work so much all over again. Failing that, imagine them in their undies!!
Strangers, if all the above is failing, and nothing is making you smile. Try something completely new. Go and speak to a total stranger. It could be someone in a supermarket, someone at the bus stop or someone walking in the same direction as you! As long as you don't turn into some mad stalker-like person, and frighten your stranger off, then this can be just as rewarding to put a smile on your face.
And do you know what's best? If you smile every day for 100 days, you will continue beyond this, if for 100 days you can find something to be happy about, I bet you can for 100 more and suddenly, life becomes good, life becomes enjoyable and life is worth living.
My lecture for the day. I hope it made you happy! And if not, check out this cake with a hidden star agenda in the middle. That should make you happy!
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