Sunday, 27 April 2014

Facebook .... my do's and don'ts!

So i've been thinking about what to blog for a couple of days. Not that life is boring and I don't have anything to rant about, but I like to keep my blogs as amusing and informative as possible. I don't want to write a diary for you to read because some of my life is PRIVATE!
So Today's blog, especially for those of you not on FB (Facebook) is about this wonderful website that has made one young man pretty rich and lots of people rich with information.
So here is my list...
1.  DO - Befriend people you know from childhood but have no intention of ever seeing again!
My hubby says, why go on facebook. If you want to see someone just give them a call and meet up, but the joy of facebook is purely the fact that you don't have to meet anyone you can't be bothered to, or don't really have the time for. You just befriend them and occasionally write them a note or like their photos. They feel loved, you feel popular! Its what its all about.
2.  DON'T- Befriend Ex boyfriends that you still fancy though.
They will have moved on and you'll only be jealous of them
3.  DO - Put lots of lovely photos of your kids, dogs, guinea pigs and days out on there. People are nosy and love looking at your photos, and its a great opportunity to show the world how gorgeous your kids/animals/self is.
4.  DON'T wash your dirty laundry in public, especially if you're not going to actually write what the hell is wrong. Don't put on your post "Oh Shit, can't believe that has happened to me...." You'll get lots of very nosy people asking whats wrong. If you wanted to tell them, you would have posted the full "Oh Shit, can't believe that I've crashed my car, got sacked from work and caught my brother in bed with my husband", and any real friends you would have texted in private!
5. DO Share those funny postcard type pictures that say things like, " If I want to get my children's attention I just have to answer the phone to someone or go to the Loo". It makes us realise that everyone is in the same parent situation, and its not just your own children who don't understand that when you're on the phone you want them to shut up, and when you're on the loo you want the door SHUT!
6. DON'T share those sentimental posts about loving your daughter, or dead people or Autism week (which seems to be every week) etc. We do all appreciate those special to us, but there is no value to "Share if you love your daughter too"
7. DO enter competitions via Facebook. I've won LOADS already, from the likes of RUCOMFY bean bags, to One Stop Convenience Stores hamper of Easter Eggs.
8. DON'T post political opinion if you don't really know what you're talking about. There is nothing worse than reading one side of an argument, shouting about it on FB, only for someone to come back and put you right back in your place.
9. DO use Facebook to criticise large, well-known brands who have pissed you off no end. Talking to customer services on the phone is a private one to one, where you can be fobbed off with any talk, but get public on FB where others can read it, and you tend to get the proper customer service response you deserve. Don't you Tesco Mobile!!? ;)
10. DON'T invite me to play Candy Crush!

My cake this week hasn't actually been baked yet. So you'll have to come back to that, but here is a picture of my brother's birthday cake I made back in November. Thinking I need to make another one like it again!

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