So, its the time for lots of religious festivals, across many different religions. We have celebrated Passover and Easter (in the chocolate Egg sense) in my house, so I thought I would ask my eldest daughter and her friend what they though the meaning of these two festivals were. Lets start with Easter -
So Jesus is a nice guy and he wants to go to Jerusalem. He finds a donkey and heads off with his disciples (good word Amelie). When he gets there, there is a mean king who doesn't like him. (At this point, I am told its a fun festival). Jesus gets put on a cross with a couple of other men and on Good Friday he dies. Then on Easter Sunday some women came to see his tomb and he wakes up.
But why the Easter eggs? I've asked Molly and her friend.
Because everyone likes Chocolate! Good answer.
After Jesus came back to life he died again.
We have Easter Bunnies to give us the Easter eggs.
I think this is a perfect explanation of Easter, lets now move on to Passover.
Moses was in the water and Pharaoh's daughter was going to the water for a swim. She found Moses in the water (I think he was a baby) and she called him Moses. He went home to see her daddy and he was treated as a slave when he grew up. Moses said to Pharaoh, let my people go, but Pharaoh still wouldn't listen. Then Pharoah said you can take your people but he was going to kill the first born babies.
Moses put his walking stick up and said "Open Sesame" and the water opened and everyone walked through the water, and they landed in the desert.
They put the bread on their backs because they didn't get time to cook it before they went and the sun baked it and it turned into Matzo, which is why we eat Matzo at Passover.
Pharaoh's army went through too, because Moses saw his army when they all got across, he shut the water.
We dip wine at Passover to welcome Elijah. We eat bitter herbs because that's the medicine.
Passover is fun too, just like Easter.
I think children should become the ministers in our churches, synagogues and mosques. I would go and listen to their sermons any day!!
So today's cake is butterfly hidden surprise cake. Hopefully when little Evie cuts it open, she will see butterflies on the inside... fingers crossed.
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