I forgot that I wrote my last blog about emotions, so this one could be linked, so sorry. I'll try and think of something funny to write about next time, or review the next bit of market research I'm doing for you.
But today is all about Pessimism and why I can't understand people who are pessimistic (and why I can't spell it very well). As you may or may not know, I am very optimistic. Maybe too optimistic that I piss a lot of people off, so optimistic, that when things don't go the way I planned them to, I just think how it will go to plan next time and everything will be wonderful! That is why I buy lottery tickets every week. Someone has to win eventually, why can't it be me? The glass is definitely half full over this way, and if its virtually empty, there is still that reminder of how lovely that glass was when it was full and aren't I lucky to have had it.
My darling husband (who doesn't actually read my blogs, so I can say what I want about him) and many more of my friends and family are Pessimists. So how are they still alive? Not that I wish them dead or anyone for that matter (well, there is the odd serial killer blah blah who I wouldn't miss if they were gone), but how can they live their rich and fruitful lives with so much pessimism around them?
The Pessimist will receive a party invitation and think - it might be a crap party, why should I go? The optimist will be choosing what to wear even though the party is months away.
The Pessimist will look out on a sunny day (like today) and think, bloody hell, this is no good for the grass growing; its going to be hot in the car later; I'll get heatstroke in this weather blah blah....
The optimist is out there with their factor 30 on. The sun is out for gods sake! No time to moan!
So why do pessimists survive? Surely they don't go out anywhere, or do anything because it might turn out crap, or they might not like what they see, or who they're with.
They can't have conversations with friends and family because the others might get the wrong end of the stick and misinterpret what they are saying.
Can't have a party or even invite one person over for dinner, because if they decline (for reasons unknown to the pessimist) then that's a person smack round the face to say I hate you and never want to come to your house/party (unless its at a time when I am free).
Pessimists complain about their jobs, and complain when they don't have a job. They complain about the weather, they complain about what to eat.
I watched a programme the other night on the people of Brazil, living in their Favelas. They have nothing. Most of them don't have roofs that keep them dry when it rains. They sell the rubbish surrounding their homes to live. They don't always get paid on time, but they smile! They smile because they have hope and faith. A lot of this comes down to religion, and I am not a religious person, but even the pessimistic hubby could see how religion keeps a lot of these people alive, because they are hoping and believing that things will work out for the good.
People over here should look at that and pay attention. By no means am I saying, give up everything you have and live in Favelas, but look at what you have and look how lucky you are and who is around you, and who loves you and remember that even if they are not there when you want them tomorrow, they will be there next week. And next week will be so much more fun than tomorrow, but tomorrow we will be excited for next week and think of more things to get excited about.
Stop trying to pick fights with someone to feed your own pessimism, its not healthy. If you're stuck in a situation you're not happy with, or people you're not so fond of but have to be around (we all know who we're thinking of), get over it, think positively, think optimistically and think how you can benefit your lives as well as theirs! You may still not like them but you can think of optimistic ways to bide your time with them!!
Now, before I go and buy another lottery ticket, check out my cake I baked for Molly's 6th Birthday party. It was a joint party with her friend Elyse. The girls had a fantastic time and all the cake got eaten :)
People eating my cake is enough to boost my optimism permanently!!
The top half was chocolate, the bottom half wheat and dairy free. Both were deliciously moist and very very tasty!!
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