So there is a link circulating facebook at the moment (well there are hundred, but apart from knowing how middle class or right-wing I am, this one is a little more structured educationally). It is 37 things you'll regret when you're old. I read through this list, and felt very proud of myself, which then inspired me to write another blog with my lifestyle coach head on to remind people IT'S YOUR LIFE, LIVE IT TO THE MAX!
Here's my personal response to some of the items on the list -
1.Not Travelling when you had the chance
I have been lucky, living at home after Uni, gave me the chance to save a few quid to enjoy myself. From two week breaks to Greek Islands, and Spanish party resorts (although I've still not done Ibiza) to booking a three week holiday to Thailand on a weeks notice, which was probably the most exciting holiday I've ever taken, to stunning honeymoons in Singapore, The Maldives, and a stunning freebie to Mauritius (DO ENTER COMPETITIONS, SOMEONE HAS TO WIN!!) I'm happy now for a few years off, whilst the children grow up, and do my week in the sun with a kids club and mini disco!
2.Not learning another language
Thankfully my school was German (not often you would hear someone say that), and by that I mean founded by an Austrian and therefore pushed the German language from the age of 5. I will now endeavour to teach my children foreign languages (thank you Dora for the help), it will make their holidays and travels so much more rewarding.
4. Forgoing Sunscreen
When I go on holiday, if I'm lucky, my skin colour will go slightly pink. I can't sunbathe, it just doesn't actually work for me and I would only burn, and because of this, and my insistence to cover the whole family in factor 50 I do think my skin is better for it, and I still look like the child I act like!
5. Missing the chance to see your favourite musician
Book tickets to EVERYTHING you can! Reading festival on numerous occasions was definitely the highlight of my gigging life, and I can't count how many times I have seen Terrorvision, The Bluetones and Gene but each time leaves you feeling so exhilarated, so much a part of the atmosphere and the making of these great bands! Now I fear the next band I might be seeing will be One Direction God help me!!
8. Letting yourself be defined by gender roles
I'm not sure if I'm a Tomboy or a girly girl. I pick and choose my moments, but no one was stopping me going on my lads football tour to Thailand (see above). Thankfully there was no playing of the sport involved, because I really would have let myself down there, but lots of sitting in pubs, watching the World Cup and generally being one of the lads. Although I do recall leaving the pub at half time during one game, because I'd seen a fabulous handbag in a shop down the road. Do whatever you want to do, it doesn't matter what or who you are!
10. Not trying hard in school
I'm ashamed to say I was a goody goody at school. I only ever had one detention and that was from the Pottery teacher! I did love school. I loved my teachers and I loved learning, and now at this ripe old age it has paid off (more about that in 2014!!). I want my children to enjoy learning too and am so pleased to say that in the current situation, Molly's school teachers provide such a fabulous environment that the children are excited to go in and learn. Please long may this continue!
11. Not realizing how beautiful you were
Here's one for all you ladies (and some men out there) you ARE beautiful. Look at yourself, look how well your dress yourself, do your hair and make up, look how others look at you. Appreciate yourselves because the more you do, the more others will. Stop dieting, stop trying to look like airbrushed magazine photos. Look natural, look unique and look in the mirror!
12. Being afraid to say "I love you"
Its my favourite phrase and I use it all the time. I love my family and my friends. I'm not scared to tell them. Don't be scared to say it, because think how it make you feel if someone says it to you! My husband and I tell each other every single day that we love each other. Its said genuinely too, not as routine and just adds that sense of security and good feeling to the end of a phone conversation. If you don't do it now, start to! It goes for mum's, dad's, siblings and friends too. Obviously children go without saying.
15. Caring too much about what other people think
SO WHAT? If you want to do something, and its not illegal or so dangerous that you might end up dead, do it! I want to wear a pink dress with red tights, what are you going to do about it (actually thats more Molly than me). I want to quit my job and become a pop star (well I don't, its just an example), go for it! I want to buy one person a present, but not another... and so on. Its your life, make your own decisions!
18. Holding grudges, especially over someone you love
This has happened within my family for the past 20 years, and just recently contact was remade between a number of cousins of varying degrees and life is SO MUCH better for it. Most grudges are forgotten, but the bad feeling remains. When you look back and ask yourself why you are feuding, and can't actually remember a viable reason, then be a better person and contact them. Facebook is excellent for just this, and not just pictures of cats doing stupid things!
20. Not volunteering enough
One of lifes most rewarding experiences, is seeing other people in greater need than you, benefiting from something you have done. Whether its raising money for charity, helping out at a school fayre or taking food parcels round to an elderly neighbour. Following on from this, I will volunteer my time to anyone who needs a shoulder, a cuppa and a frank talking to!
23. Working too much
I am certainly not guilty of this one! I work three days a week, and those three days I will put 100% in to my work, and very occasionally, a little more outside of those days, but the rest of my time is MINE (well the children's really). It is so important to spend your time wisely before it passes by too quickly, what is the point in earning so much money from hard work if you can't spend it on the things that make you happy. Not everyone wants to be their own boss, and hardly anyone wants to be putting in a 60 hour week. Look abroad, and see how much family time our neighbours have in Europe. Children grow up too quickly, holidays are over too soon, don't miss them for work!
25. Not stopping enough to appreciate the moment
Life does pass by so quickly, and its vital to stop occasionally and just look around you, drink in the moment and the atmosphere and be grateful for what you have. Whether its a sunny day and you are able to sit in the garden and watch the butterflies flitting around, or whether you have taken that well earned holiday and can sit on a rock overlooking a stunning view of a bay, a mountain or the countryside (it doesn't have to be a rock you sit on either).
29. Refusing to let friendships run their course
This is probably the most difficult, because friendships, unlike some relationships aren't expected to come to an end without good reason, but the truth is they do. Growing up changes all of us, and to hang on to a friendship where one or both parties are not going to put 100% effort in is devastating, hurtful and can even turn quite nasty.
Rather than cling on to a friendship worth nothing, move on and remember those good times before its too late, and all your thoughts are bitter ones.
30. Not playing with your kids enough
I definitely can't be accused of not doing this. From the second I wake up (as usually i'm being woken by one of the children) the imaginative games start, breakfast is not just breakfast, it is the breakfast of kings and queens and most certainly princesses and all their pets. Walking around the park is a jungle full of wild animals, and which one of us princesses can save them all! The only risks to some of these games I would say, include me getting stuck on a slide, and the fact that as a mother of two, I can only last about 4 minutes on the trampoline before I need to run to the loo!
33. Worrying too much
Easier said than done, but if you personally cannot do anything about a situation, don't worry! And if you can do something to influence an outcome or change, then get on with it and stop worrying.
36. Never performing in front of others
This one might not be for everyone, as some people really do prefer to be the audience than the entertainment, but for someone like me, a little bit of a extrovert some might say, life is a performance, and the bigger the audience the better. We will revisit this again next spring!! Watch this space.
37. Not being grateful sooner
ALWAYS show your gratitude when you can, because if you wait too long, you may not get the chance to do it. Whether its something simple, like a playdate when you're running late and can't get to school pick up on time or something major like a big gift from someone, it takes seconds to say Thank You, moments to write a Thank you card, and about £20 to send a cute bunch of flowers. Recipients will feel that appreciation and will want to help you again, and vice versa, if someone show's their gratitude to you, you would want to help them again too!
On reflection I feel that I can grow old now knowing that I don't have very many regrets, and I'm not even half way through my life yet (hopefully). Long may I continue to enjoy myself, appreciate and help others around me and of course...bake cakes for everyone I know!
Now for the picture of the day! A couple of shots of some christmas gifts I made this year. First time for home baked gifts, but the feedback has been amazing so far. Double chocolate biscotti (with a hint of orange), Star shaped Lebkuchen for that authentic German market feel and Vanilla fudge for pure indulgence. Enjoy!