Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Having a hobby is key to a positive lifestyle

Life is busy. Work and family take up so much time and I so often hear people complaining that they never get a minute to themselves, and whilst we may love the time we have with our families, especially watching young children growing up, and some people really do love their jobs and put as much effort into them as they do their families, its is vital to also have something you can turn to, to release those tensions, take your mind off any worries and generally have quality "me time!" (sleeping doesn't count as a hobby!)

Stress is one of the biggest causes of serious illness in the western world, and there are so many things that can be done to reduce it and prolong life, in an enjoyable way. If you think you are stressed, but don't have time to live let alone do something for yourself, its time to re-evaluate the situation.

A hobby is a regular activity that is done for pleasure (the key here). It doesn't have to cost anything, it doesn't have to be done in a group of weirdo's at 9pm at night in the local community centre (unless you choose to of course) but it is done by YOU and doesn't involve your daily routine.

My hobby, you would never guess, is baking! I just LOVE it, and will try and do it every week, not only to make a delicious cake to eat, but also to improve my baking and decorating skills, show them off to friends and family, and you never know I may even get a few commissions out of it to make celebration cakes for people. I can usually find the time to bake, whilst at home with the children. I set them up to play or watch telly in the other room and I know they are out of the way, safe and I can concentrate on my "me time", and they get to lick the bowl afterwards so they don't mind me leaving them to their own devices!

Easily done, at home, no childcare needed and my only cost is my ingredients.  My other hobby is Ice-skating. Something that I can't always do as and when I want to, but again, I will make the time, usually at lunch time during work. I know if I can get to the rink in time, I can have half an hour to myself on the ice, or even a lesson, and be back to work without anyone being any wiser!

If you don't know what you want to do as a hobby, try out different classes and events. Its so easily done and so many classes can also be found at massive discounts on the likes of Groupon and Wowcher. I have friends who have done Pole Dancing, cake pop making, macaroon making, tapastry, ballet, climbing, singing, dancing, acting as well as the usual sports and gym, wine... sorry I mean book clubs and collecting!

Some of the strangest hobbies in the world include one guy who video's and photographs himself playing dead. Apparently he's had over 32 million hits on his website and by day is a married man with 6 kids!

Or you could try being the person in every live TV shoot. I've seen the guy myself on the news (Paul Yarrow of South London). This one is about being in the right place at the right time!

There are also some very generous people who's hobbies are to give money to total strangers who look like they need it! Come over here mate.. I could do with a tenner!

Other than having time to yourself to pursue hobbies, one of the main purposes to boost your lifestyle is that you have something to talk to others about.  Hobbies of all shapes and sizes are positive conversation topics and positive, upbeat conversation leads to enthusiasm, excitement, enjoyment and that lust for life that we all need.  People love to know what others get up to in their spare time. If we didn't we wouldn't have so many reality TV programmes and if you are the person who can give little time and information. It doesn't have to be rocket science, it doesn't have to be a hobby that no one else does. If you like to knit scarves, or collect stamps, do puzzles, play football, you will always be asked about it. Go on, give it a go!

As a mini N.B. though, I wouldn't recommend listing ALL your hobbies on your CV. It can sometimes look like you don't have time for your day job. Leave that to coffee machine chats once you've got your job!

And Finally, sorry there is no cake this week, but that will DEFINITELY change tomorrow evening, as I'm going on a Patisserie making course. I will of course update with photos of my creations and let you know how tasty they were!

If you have any odd hobbies, do list them below to share with others!

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