Tuesday, 21 October 2014

How to overcome people ... and rainbow Owl cake!

Aren't people funny creatures. You think they should be like you in some way, although you do realise that everyone is different, but oddly enough, some people just don't think like you do. They aren't programmed in the same way and probably think that you are very strange too.

Obviously, the first thing to note from this is that being different is good. How boring would the world be if everyone was the same. Thought the same, acting the same, had the same interests and ate the same food. So we should embrace and celebrate that everyone is different.
Having said that, it can be a right pain in the backside, when something so straight forward to you and comes as second nature without having to think about it, is so foreign to others.

So how do we deal with this? Sometimes we want to shout, scream and cry. Why can't others understand me? Why can't my friends treat me like I treat them. Why can't my boss give me a 50% payrise? Why can't the postman stick to the path instead of walking across my newly laid grass? It can be the smallest thing that irritates us the most, and if its a build up of one thing after another, you can be forgiven for wanting to scream or yell or facebook or tweet. Well STOP.  There is nothing to be gained (in most cases) by washing your dirty laundry in public. Look at the current saga with internet trolls. These are people, a lot of them just like you and me, who get pissed off at someone else's actions/appearance/comments and then write some really nasty things in the spur of the moment.. and then get hauled in by the police for harrassement. They don't gain anything apart from a warning, potentially a criminal record or even a prison sentence.

Think of how many celebrities you read about and disagree with. There are probably thousands of them, but would you start berating them publicly, or letting their actions upset you? Hopefully not (if you do, we need to talk).

The key to dealing with people who are getting your back up, is by not letting yourself get upset! So much easier said than done, you're saying. Yes and NO. You can teach yourself not to, and actually once you get the hang of it, its very rewarding!

Sometimes, when you really want to scream and shout, you should let yourself, but not in public. Sit in the car, have a good cry, call your bestie or your other half, but don't publish it.  Once that is out of your system, think about the person who has upset you.
What did they do and why did they do it? Think of how sad and unfortunate they must be, to behave in such a manner as to go around upsetting others. Think of THEM as the victim, start to feel sorry for them and their pathetic little lives.  Think of how lonely they are, because everyone else thinks of them as you do, they don't have real friends like you do, they don't feel love and other nice emotions.

Once you are in that mind frame, you can start to think of yourself, and how much a better person you are, because you behave so much better. You do the right thing, use the right manners, say the right words. The other person doesn't have those skills, what a shame for them.

The best thing, if they continue to treat you in a manner you don't want them to, is to look at them with pity, let them see the pity you have for them! Cock your head to one side when they're talking at you and give them a little smile. It will piss them off a LOT more than they are pissing you off and that will make you smile, and then you will become INVINCIBLE.

Having said all that, some people are rude because they've had a shitty day! Maybe send them this blog so they can have a better day and start to smile too.

Feeling good? You'll feel even better when you see this cake.....

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