Saturday, 8 February 2014

3D Lipo, a very personal review but alas no cake this week!

Every year, rather than set a New Years Resolution as such, I tell myself that I will spend some money on ME, and no one else. It can be on anything I like, and if it doesn't work then so be it but at least I'll have tried something new.
2014 is the year of 3D Lipo!
What the hell is 3D Lipo I hear you ask..

3D Lipo has been around for about 2 years, but has been in research status for about 7, so it is a relatively new idea. It is a completely non-evasive method of breaking down fat cells using Ultrasound. Unlike other forms of non surgical liposuction, it does not use lasers, which shrink fat cells, but it actually destroys them. When they are destroyed, by the ultrasound, they pass out through the lymphatic system out are managed through the liver and passed along with regular waste.  That's as scientific as I'm going to get because I am NOT a scientist! Unlike other laser Lipo treatments too, the effects are immediate. Unlike the old fashioned Liposuction, there is not so much as a bruise or a sore tummy to show for it.
Too good to be true? Well, lets find out.

I found a local clinic that does 3D Lipo and emailed them for some information. They were quick to respond with answers to my questions, which included the confirmation that no other diet or exercise is required with this treatment, but of course the more you do to help yourself, the better the results. They confirmed the immediate results, but advised a full course of 8 treatments is best, and they told me that their policy is not to do more than one treatment a week because of the extra pressure on the lymphatic system to pass out the waste.
So I booked in for a consultation and met the lovely Ravi, who was very polite and professional. She asked me what I wanted to get out of the treatment, and she showed me the machine and how it worked. The full set up, if it is needed involves Cavitation (the ultrasound destroying of the cells), Crylipolisis (which freezes the cells and eventually breaks away after about 9 months) and skin tightening, but as Ravi explained, she only uses the first, and very rarely the Crylipolisis on areas such as bingo wings, but as the results take so much longer there is little use on areas such as the tummy and legs, the Cavitation treatment tightens the skin itself so there is little need for additional tightening too. I was hooked, and booked my first treatment, which would involve a more medical questionnaire too.

When I went back the following week, so keen to get started, Ravi went through a full medical questionnaire, this treatment is not advisable if you've had cancer in the last 5 years, diabetes and other illnesses/diseases whereby there is more pressure put on your kidneys and liver. The idea is that no pressure is put onto the body to cause any concern. She measured me in three places around my stomach (thats private though thank you) and weighed me ( you really don't need to know about that one) and then I lay down on her treatment bed. She covered my tummy in the gel used in Ultrasounds, which I'm very very familiar with. I mean, the reason I'm here in the first place is because of my two gorgeous children! Then she started with a small "thing" with 4 metal circles on it, she massaged my tummy, explaining there were 8 areas in total and each got about 5 minutes. But its not stop start, its a continuation, and the feeling was lovely. The "thing" warmed up quite quickly so took away the coldness of the gel, and the only discomfort at all is that the Ultrasound causes a high pitched ringing noise in your ears. Not my practitioners ears, but just mine. Whilst we were chatting though, i could barely hear the noise.

40 minutes later and she was finished. She measured me again, and after session one on the first area I'd lost 2cm, the middle bit (around my belly button) 1cm and the top bit of my tummy another 2cm. Thats 5cms in my first session.

I was happy but a little dubious. I've had wraps before where i've lost inches but as soon as I've had a drink of water they've come back again. I booked for my 2nd treatment, and as much as I tried to argue she wouldn't do it before a week and went home, immediately feeling a little "better!" I don't know how psychological that was, but I was happy, and I was drinking lots of water and going to the loo lots too. That had to be a good sign.

I've now had 4 sessions, so I'm half way through, I've changed my diet slightly, I've just reduced the amount of wheat that I eat because it doesn't generally agree with me, but I'm still eating everything else I want. But I do exercise too, I will try and do an hour on the exercise bike, about 4 or 5 times a week. I've been doing that for ages though.

So after my latest treatment, Ravi measured me again. I have lost in total over the three parts of my stomach a total of 19cms so far, and I still have 4 treatments left. The scales are showing a little change but its not about what they say. I'm generally a heavy boned person so I don't tend to listen to the scales anyway, but I wore my jeans last weekend, and my muffin top was much reduced from the last time I wore them (AND i'd just washed them too), my stomach feels smoother and much less bumpy, and the biggest test for me of them all...
Occasionally I stand in front of my mirror, sideways on and see how pregnant I look if I really push my tummy out. Most of the time its past due date, and on a couple of occasions I've done a pregnancy test just to make sure I'm not actually overdue, and this week, the "best" I got was about 4 months pregnant. So for my personal achievement, I've lost 5 months of pregnancy.

I can't wait for my next 4 treatments, and this next 4 weeks I'm even going to try and stop eating so much chocolate alongside the treatment, and see how that helps.
So far so good, it really is as good as it sounds......
Watch this space.

I'm sorry there is no cake this week. I've got a diary full of cake baking opportunities over the next two weeks though, so there will be lovely pictures to follow.

Take care

Thanks to Physio Dynamix in Iver Village for providing my treatment.

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