Saturday, 11 January 2014

Ban this... make that illegal... how about teaching parents how to parent rather than creating new laws??

I'm on a bit of a rant today, I've been reading a few articles about parenting and the hysterical responses of some parents (yes it is on Facebook, so I can't really give credit for intelligent debate).  So the latest plans are -
Making smacking illegal
Ban sweets from the checkouts in supermarkets
Whether children should be allowed on fb etc
Sibling Bullying

Lets start with smacking! I don't mean go out and start smacking, that's a big wrong, and I would never EVER hit a child (mine or others) to purposely hurt them, but what if a toddler, who doesn't respond yet to reasoning is running off toward a road, or a hot oven, or something else that would seriously hurt or kill them. Smacking a hand or bottom gives them enough of a shock to think about their actions.
I admit too that I have smacked my 5 year old too on occasion. Occasions where she has been warned a number of times and again, is putting either herself or someone else at risk, or is about to destroy something of monetary or sentimental value. Surely one smack is better than an hour of yelling! Yelling and shouting has much more of a long-term effect on our kiddies.

Banning sweets from checkouts in the supermarket.
Well, I often take my children to the supermarket and without doubt, every time we queue up at the checkout Molly will ask for some sweets from the display that is so temptingly laid out in good sight. "No Molly you can't" is usually my answer, unless she has been extremely good and hasn't had a treat for a while and I want to give her one. "oh" she usually replies and then we move on, pay and leave!  Not everyone in the supermarket has a whingy child with them, not everyone in the supermarket is a fat lardass who can't control their eating. Some people are normal, balanced and deserve the choice of "ooh, that looks nice, I'll treat myself on my way home". Just because some parents can't control their children, doesn't mean we should all suffer!

I know FB says that you should be over 16 I think to use it, but I know a number of children with facebook accounts.  The other thing is, their parents know too and they have been educated on the use of social media so that they are not going to accept friends from people they don't know. They only put on clothed photos (i see nothing wrong with that on social media) and, as with the above, how they use it is controlled by their PARENTS.  These parent-types seem to be getting  lot of responsibility where children are concerned! How strange.

Sibling Bullying.
This was ridiculous. How a parent can let one child bully their other child is beyond me! Teaching children to respect one another, and teaching them that they are both going to be together for a LONG LONG time is one of the first rules. My almost 2 year old knows not to hit her sister, not to pull her hair, although yes sometimes she forgets and must be reminded again, and my 5 year old knows she shouldn't snatch toys from her sister, and they both know how important they are equally to my husband and I. And they love each other probably more than they love us.
I'm not stupid, I know they will fight when they are older, but fights can be controlled and explained, but to lead on to bullying, where one child is persistently making the other child's life a misery. Maybe, and call me crazy, but just maybe the parents should watch and speak to their children and pick up on anything untoward.

So i guess my point is, its not the governments responsibility to do your parenting. How about parents take responsibility for their kids. Parents discipline, praise, teach and reward their OWN children. What the government SHOULD do is pick out those parents who don't realise that its their job to bring up their children and maybe send them to parenting school. And for those not yet parents, who obviously do not display the ability to have any social responsibility whatsoever, a chastity belt maybe? (I'm being a bit PC here, and didn't want to say sterilise them all!)

Happy parenting, I'm now signing off to tell my children off, then reward them and show them pictures of Dogs and cats kissing on Facebook before they have a fight!
Have fun guys

Just a little cake pic today, as its January, cakes are a little bit scarce but here are some chocolate cupcakes I made the other day


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