Whilst watching my children playing and doing and everything else, it got me thinking how bloomin' lucky they are, and how as we grow up we grow out of, or have to sacrifice some of the best opportunties going. There could be millions but here is my own top ten....
1. Sleeping wherever and whenever you want.
Probably one of the most obvious. Children of all ages are allowed to fall asleep wherever they feel the need, and they are not scolded for it, but praised and coo'd over.
Now imagine.. you get up in the morning, so much earlier than you want to, you get washed and dressed and if you're lucky, have breakfast. You commute to work either on public transport with other people who, without knowing a thing about them, you loathe for taking your personal space, or you get in your car and park it on the motorway for an hour, whilst you don't drive anywhere fast. You get to work, you have a coffee if you're lucky, you check your 100's of worthless emails from even more worthless people and by 10am frankly you are exhausted, thinking about lunch which is at least two hours away. What if you just put your head down on your desk and had a snooze. People would walk past you and say "aah, look at so and so, he's sleeping! Be quiet everyone, stop your calls, we don't want to wake him up". Then you would wake up about an hour later, people would ask if you slept well and you're an hour nearer lunch... NOW STOP DREAMING ABOUT THIS AND GET BACK TO WORK, WE DON'T PAY YOU TO SLEEP ON THE JOB!!
2. Wearing nappies?
Maybe this is one of the ones we don't shout about, but everyone has thought of it. The logistics of being so far away from a local convenience, or knowing how much cleaner wearing a nappy could be to using the public loo's in a town centre/train station etc.
Men like this idea for when they are pissed, because they are so lazy. Women think of it more as a useful tool after sneezing and laughing uncontrollably. Example, at a children's birthday party the other week, I was chatting to a friend and we were watching her child come down the bouncy inflatable slide. The way this child flung itself down was SO funny, but not as funny as watching this mother LEAP out of the room in about 0.5 seconds flat to make it to the toilet in time. That nearly set me off.
Just a thought! Might not look so good with leggings though.
3. Being fickle
This is probably my favourite kids trait that I miss most as an adult. Children get told off for doing something fundamentally wrong, and usually at the expense of younger siblings, they do that look of utter fear, sheer worry, and if you have a real drama queen, the tear tap is turned on full throttle and you end up feeling guilty for causing so much liquid out of such little eyes. But you know you've done right and they must learn, and think about what they've done wrong. But the second the tear tap is turned off, they go straight back into "Mummy I'm hungry" or "I want that toy" (as you put the telly on to keep the peace), or playing with the sibling that caused the telling off in the first place, like nothing had happened. As an adult, I think this could prevent so many fights, lawsuits and relationship breakups.
Imagine, you are in a packed supermarket, you see one last packet of the right size nappies on the shelf, and as you reach out to them, someone else sweeps in front of you and literally takes them out of your hand. "OI," you shout. "I'm buying them!" "No you're not" comes the reply and your anger builds up and you yell, and they yell back, and other shoppers have some entertainment and management start hopping from one foot to another. Your blood is BOILING! Imagine you don't win this round, in real life you would storm off "I'm never going back to that supermarket again. I hope all those nappies split open blah blah.... angry words, more angry words" Its normal. It puts you in a bad mood all day. But if you were fickle.... "I wanted those nappies... arrrgghhh, scream, shout, cause attention." You get the attention and then turn to the other side of the aisle "ooh a special offer on chocolates. Ooh, I want chocolates. Look lady who stole my nappies, cheap chocolates!" Both of you skip off into the sunset with big chocolately smiles on your faces.
4. Unlimited Energy
I don't know where kids get it from, because most of the time its not from a healthy, varied diet! Kids wake up and play, they eat, then they play again. Then you take them out to the playground so you don't feel like a bad parent. Then you might take them on an outing to tire them out. Then you get home and they want to PLAY AGAIN! But its bedtime, and you really want them to go to bed, because frankly you are exhausted from chauffeuring them to and from each area of play for a whole day. Where do they get this energy from?
Imagine, you get up in the morning with energy!!! I can stop there, its beyond belief anyway, and you know where i'm going with this one! Lucky bloody kids!
5. Doing every single hobby you fancy at the time
Some kids are more lucky than others, and this one does come down to budget/grandparents generosity and again time. But a lot of the kids I know (talking about reception to year two age) get to try everything they want. Dancing, singing, football, cooking, karate, gymnastics, swimming, cheerleading, piano. If there is a hobby out there, and there is a cost and weekly class in it, kids get to do it. They go to these classes, most of the time have a different uniform to wear for each one (which YOU of course must wash before the next class), they get to see their friends and make new ones, you get to sit outside and wait and wait and WAIT.
OK, so as an adult, you don't have the time and possibly the money to do all the hobbies you would like, but just imagine, if you did. How rich would your life be? "Sorry, I can't do my tax return, i'm horse riding, and when I come back from that its Tap dancing, oh and Saturday morning, is flower pressing, followed by synchronised swimming, and of course a birthday party to top it all off!" "Energy? Why do you ask! Of course I've got all the energy in the world to do this, why wouldn't I?" Oh to be able to dream of being IN the class instead of sitting outside waiting.
6. Peppa Pig/Ben and Holly
Again, maybe one you might not shout about so much, but truthfully, you tell me a time when you're sat in front of the telly, watching your kids programmes and you don't realise that they walked out of the room a good ten minutes ago. The worst is when its a pair of parents, and you both snigger at the same time whilst watching Peppa, only THEN to realise that your children are in the other room, reading the paper or something.
Some programmes are a lot more watchable than others. For example, I won't ever put In the Night Garden on, because as a parent, I can't bear it. But give me Ben and Holly or Peppa any day, and I've even caught myself conversing with other parents about particular episodes. I bet those with slightly older kids, feel they are really missing out now!
7. Dancing
Kids learn to dance very early. They are all awesome at it, brilliant dancers. A definite crowd pleaser, whether its in the supermarket, dancing along to an announcement over the loud speaker or moving and grooving to mini disco on holiday, or just strutting to Gangnam style or any other chart topper, golden oldie, ring tone or car indicator tick. They can move, and every move is 100 times better than any Disco king or Queen. Their dancing warrants Youtube videos, facebook statuses, visits to grandparents. When does this change? When do we all become rubbish and laughable and embarrassing? Such a sad state of affairs, that we only feel we can really let our hair down when we are blind drunk, or more importantly, those around are so drunk they won't remember and remind us the next day.
8. Having such a big wardrobe
Kids have an outfit for every occasion, and more often than not, they have more than one outfit for every occasion, and then they just grow out of it before they've really had a chance to wear it in. Summer dresses, summer skirts, summer shorts, autumn dresses, skirts, leggings, shorts, trousers, t-shirts, tops, cardigans, winter warmers, legging, lined trousers, combats. Every colour, ever mix, every material. You name it, they've got it.
Unless you have a dressing room and a big disposable income for fashion clothing, you probably, like most people have two pairs of jeans, a couple of pairs of leggings (for the females out there) maybe different work to play clothes, but you will find your jeans have to suffice the whole year, tops are seasonally adaptable. Dresses, well you wear it once, then you rewear it with different accessories to try and make it look different the next time.
9. Reward Charts
Kids get rewarded for doing things they are meant to do anyway. Sleeping, eating, going to the toilet. There is a reward chart for everything. They get stickers for their charts and when they've had fun putting all their stickers on, they get a present at the end!
Can you imagine, how great and how many presents you would get as an adult. "I did a number two in the toilet" just 9 more of those and I can chose myself a present. "I ate peas!" give me another present.
Not in reality. I think if you went around and told people of your personal everyday achievements, you would probably get locked up in one of those comfy padded rooms and friends call you less and less, and you have fewer friends on facebook!
10. Toys
Kids get toys. They get toys for birthdays, religious holidays, being ill, being well again, being bored, parties. You name it they get toys. As we get older, we get less and less. The lucky ones might get vouchers! Why don't you just give us the money, rather than saying "here's some money, but you can only spend it in one shop, where you won't be able to afford anything with the amount I got you, so you'll end up spending your own money on your own gift anyway"! As I said thats they lucky ones. The others don't get anything. "Happy Birthday Son here's a card". "But I wanted Transformers!" "You're 35, grow up!"
"Happy birthday daughter, I got you some tea towels!" "But I want a Hello Kitty Nail Art kit" "Grow up and clean those dishes!"
Luckily, as parents, we can confiscate our kids toys, when they're naughty and then secretly play with them, but whatever you do DO NOT GET CAUGHT OUT BY YOUR CHILD. They can use that as ammunition against you!
So, this concludes my top ten reasons why I sometimes wish I was still a child. Of course there are more to add to the list, but guys, remember, the one you are thinking about right now... its' your MUM! A mum is the only one who feeds a new baby! Ugh, you sicken me!
Oh, and this weeks cake was a simple but hopefully tasty spiced apple cake with a honey drizzle dressing! No picture I'm afraid, and no feedback as of yet!