Friday, 6 February 2015

The class collection... a note for Myleene

Following the press surrounding Myleene Klass' comments about the class collection, I thought I might put a few points together for Ms Klass so that hopefully she won't embarrass herself next time she makes a public display of ignorance (bless her cotton socks)

As class rep, and the instigator of the "would you like a collection for little Billy's birthday" question to mums I feel qualified to respond accordingly.
So Myleene, get your cup of cocoa and your reading glasses on for my top tips for a class collection.

1. Little Billy is in a class with children from all backgrounds. Little Billy is having a class party, some parents given the choice might spend £30 on him, others may only be able to spend a fiver.  The collection amount is not disclosed, only a name of a happy little child contributing to their friends birthday collection.

2. Who the hell is little Billy? I know my little Millie is in his class, but does he like Superman, Batman, Barbie or does he have other interests? Thank God I don't have to worry about what to buy him, knowing that either the class rep or his own darling mummy will get something he actually likes.

3. As Billy's mummy, spending a fortune on a party for 30 kids I barely know, what the HELL am I going to do with 30 plastic pieces of CRAP, actually 7 of which are exactly the same piece of crap, where do I put them? Do I rewrap some and wait for the next party! OMG, this is a nightmare.

4. As Billy's mummy again, I wish I could afford to buy Billy a kindle, but I can't justify spending that much on one present. If only we had a contribution, and I could tell little Billy that all his friends helped to buy his Kindle and he could let them all know what he's downloaded onto it.

5. Little Millie's mum certainly is happy knowing that she has contributed towards something little Billy actually WANTS, and although she didn't pay for the whole thing by a long shot, she knows that Billy (and his Mummy) will be really happy,

6. Oh Crap, says Little Dolly's mum. We've got the party this afternoon and I forgot to go out and buy little Billy a present. I wish someone had done a collection that I could put into and not worry about having to find something for Little Billy.

7. Little Johnny's mum is great friends with Little Billy's Mum and has decided she wants to get something personal from Little Johnny. Great.

Does that answer your question? Feel free to comment.